My first baby girl, so sweet. NO. Not sweet. Naughty and smelly. This is Ashton's kitten that he picked up in front of Walmart. I have a soft spot for animals so we brought her home. She is very soft and sweet but will poop anywhere but a litter box. The first few times I was pretty patient. Then when my house started to smell like a pet store I kicked her out just like I kicked Batman out for his hair shedding issue. I am a clean freak. Anyways, Jared calls her "Marshmello Puff" for lack of a shorter name i suppose. I call her poopy. She loves me and thinks I'm her mommy. That's why I can't get rid of her. I am such a sucker.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
{CoUsiN MoRgAn is OnE!}
I'm way behind on my blogging! This was 2 weeks ago, but better late than never, right? Bethany, I have all the party pics on a disk for you, I haven't forgotten! Anyways, I had the pleasure of attending my neice's first birthday bash! It was so much fun! She is the cutest little stinker! I just look at her and instantly I want to clone her for myself. She is so tiny and sweet!! I hear she is a biter though. I guess she has to make up for her tiny size somehow!
Thanks for having such a fun party Mark and Beth!
{CaMpiNg WitH GrAnDpA}
Ashton is a huge fan of Grandpa Grundvig. Poor Grandpa couldn't get a moment alone! Ashton followed him everywhere he went, all the while jib jabbering about monkeys and tato bugs!
Ashton has an imaginary monkey that he keeps in his hand. Even during the ride in Grandpa's Rhino he wouldn't open his hand, for fear of losing his monkey.
Hi mom!
This is the only picture I got of Kinsey without her little plumber's crack showing! So cute!
Kinsey and Jared are only 6 months apart. They played in the mud together for a long time. Jared taught her how to winch a Ford Bronco out of a river.
Grandpa's hummer. He and uncle Aaron built it together.
Yay! I look so skinny in the reflection! If only..
The dirtiest little Kinsey has EVER been.
Aww little Peyton!